Celebrities under the lens

Celebrities have to accept that the media publishes stories about their private lives. That is the price they pay for being rich and famous. Can celebrities have a private life? Celebrities have always been under the lens of the media. Their lives are interesting, exciting, extreme and people love knowing everything about them. Celebrities can... Continue Reading →

Don’t remember

  You can’t remember ‘cause your memories are in a quiet room, locked. You never took a photo of us cause you never wanted remember I am a quite vague face, some messy knots. A hushed-up voice. I have a billion photos and you used to make fun of me. I always remember. They remind... Continue Reading →

Another story-social

WhatsApp versione 2.17.5 no, questa mattina non è stato un semplice aggiornamento "bugs fixed". No, l'aggiornamento di oggi ha introdotto la possibilità anche su questa app di instant messaging di condividere "real-status" o, per dirla con un termine più fortunato, "stories". Mentre scrivo quest'ultima frase immagino nella mia testa un sottofondo tipo "zanzanzanzaaan" degno del... Continue Reading →

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